Thursday, March 24, 2011


Lets get ready to RUMBBBLLLEEEE!!!!!!!!! Wait wrong sport. Lets try that again........Your starting line-up for the Los Angeles Clippers. 3:00pm yesterday my phone illuminates and the words "LA? Blake the snake?" appear. Right at that moment my mind was made up. Of course I am down for some LA tacos. Thats more like it, well if you have not gotten the hint yet, yes I did attent the clipper game last night. I must say LA is loving some OT lately with the Lakers going into tripple OT and the Clippers last night going double OT, they really love to get LA peeps growing grey hair and pulling it right out. The Clippers have proven something to LA, they are not just the other LA team. Now say what you will about there only being one LA team as we have all heard some say, but I have mad love for the clipps now. And no it is not just because a good homie of mine has season tickets. Or the fact that I have gone to more clipp shows than lake shows. But no really that young team is definetely going to become some tough competion for teams all around. Possible chamionship contenders some day?
Eric Gordon.

Ok now why the Jordans? I could not really give you a perfect answer or maybe even an answer that you want. were the kicks the prettiest part of the image? lets just let ypur imagination make out the rest. Be your own picasso.

ok now this next set of pictures, well just watch I wont say anything.

I hope you watched the game, and if not I hope these pics helped. Well it is now time for me to sign off, untill next time my friends.


The Time Machine...

Now I know we have all sat there at one point in our lives and said to ourselves. "Damnnn I wish I had a timemachine.." right? Well all viewers be aware you are now entering the VOIAGE time machine. Lets set this bad boy back 5 days ago and try and rememnber WHAT THE EF happened??? ohhh yeah thats right DYNT event. Carl and I took some time out of the office and got a chance to head down to the wonderful city of Ontario Ca and SUPPORT THE HOMIES. With DYNT hosting their first SUPPORT THE HOMIES event we got a chance to get a sneak peak of all the upcoming items being dropped by a few brands. The event turned out great there was good people, good drinks, music, some love in the air. Or wait was that weed? Well anyways the event was dope and the shop looks mad crazy now from the first event that we attented. Here are just a few snaps of the night.

Oh and lets not forget the exclusive SUPPORT THE HOMIES tee.

DYNT - support the homies

THE DAILY LIFE - doobies tee

Now dont forget to plug your nose as we head back to the future. Hope you enjoyed our little time machine who knows this might happen again.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

meeting sunset

Growing up watching cartoons on Saturdays were the best. All morning just lounging.My favorite b-ball shorts and tee(F the jammies) t.v. full blast, and possibly a pop-tart or two or possibly the whole damn box. well those Saturdays have become faint memories i still try and grasp or re-live. But there's days where i would rather skate the pavement to meet the sunrise or skate the busy streets at night playing the most realistic game of frogger ever! So i say the trade is quite worth it. So as the weekend approached we started it out on Friday with a little meeting downtown. Followed up with some skating, eating, falling well never mind that was just Ben the intern. As all of this was going down it was not until later on that evening when i stood there with a blank look on my face staring at the trunk as my eyes concentrated on the camera that was left in the car. Luckily i was smart enough to snap some as we grubbed drove. Well not literally by that i mean driving here....snap. Driving over there.....snap. I hope you can enjoy.





Words cant describe. Or I just do not want to tell you and make you find out for yourself, yeah that sounds just about right.

Yes we did run into superman while we were skating.

Previews of............

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Running around like chicken's with our heads cut off is how we have been for the past couple months. From looking for a new job, to sitting in this office questioning if what we are getting ourselves into is what we really wanna do. But with some great meetings long nights designing VOIAGE is here, were trying to play ball. Now as we all start to feel this weather change and the clouds disappear. We can only focus on one thing..........GIRLS IN BIKINIS. right? NO. With the warm weather approaching this only means VOIAGE 2011 SUMMER will be dropping. our first season and we are nothing but pumped to see everyones reactions to what we have in store for the future.We will be posting previews in the next couple weeks. SO with everything that has been happening we are ready and excited for summer. Now i really do wanna show you what we have coming out but wheres the fun in all that? but watt i will show you is the newest hobby that has been added to the VOIAGE crew.

A little something we get to step out into to. With VOIAGE gathering inspirations from all types of art photography is truly a beautiful art and one of my favorites. But this is definitely something that takes time to master, so bare with us and enjoy.

And to think this was all just an idea. under water. click. click. snap. snap.snap.snap.snap

Would you believe me if i told you that we dove into the Pacific ocean on a deep sea fishing trip?

With all the photos bin taken and work we have been doing this is truly a fun escape. But im finding out that i already have my favorite model. Ladies and Gents we introduce to you HOBO. But do not be deceived by this little face there is a monster that lives in this puppy of mine. now i know this may not have been a blog that you were expecting but i felt like showing off these snaps and clicks. Oh don't worry if your sitting here thinking this is it? shah just stay tuned.


Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Some melee jam as i sit here with this pen and paper.