Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Secrets to success

Thanks to a good friend OJ...I found myself browsing through his facebook page always interested in the videos he has posted I came across this video, and after watching this speaker I could not help but end it with a smile and felt like we were on the right dedication has been to making my dreams reality and we will keep pushing to be on top we guarantee this !

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

"Three skaters and a Donut "

With some rain drops still left on the windows and the clouds still grey the sun was playing peek-a-boo. As I stepped outside wiping my feet against the pavement I quickly grabbed my cellular phone and called the crew and "BAAAM" within minutes we were off. The music was bumpin, windows were down and the laughs...well they were stomach aching. The drive to stoner park seemed endless sitting in the seat just itching to get back on my board. When we arrived we smiled like kids racing down the block to be the first one to get to the ice cream truck,and i know you all know that feeling. just loving every moment looking at the park like it was all to ourselves. And Im not quite sure if you know the feeling of rollin to a park and seeing no more then ten skaters there. well Im here to tell you it is amazing!
Well as the day grew longer the clouds became darker and the sprinkles became drops and then soon enough those drops some how turned into cats and dogs (not literally). But even though we all splashed and powerslid our way through the park we were getting way to soaked so it was time for North Hollywood hoping for some dry pavement. Then this is where the real FUN BEGINS........


 Yup Im pretty sure you get the picture..WIPEEOUUT !!! as we ran to the car we had the surprise of finding  out that I had a FLAT TIRE but still laughing from the splashing and sliding it did not seem to phase us yet, at least not untill i went for the spare and saw it was useless without a jack. "nigga you serious"-lil lante "ummm naw dog Im jk its in the back seat where you were sitting " hahahah sitting there laughing soaking wet. with the rain pouring down looking at one another like WHAT THE FUCK. Counting our change and loose dollars thinking about catching the bus home, we decided "eff it leave the civic lets skate some more" ! we turned this situation to a game of slip-n-skate. Which turned out horrible lol bruised shins, soar knees, busted faces. I really wish I could tell you what the game is but well....thats VOIAGE CLASSIFIED. sorry. But there we were no jack, standing in the rain going door to door asking to borrow a jack or shit even a ride back home. So after hours of slipping in the mud being soaking wet we finally rotated my tires and slapped that little DONUT on.

So after slipping back and pulling down the homies as I went down all I thought of was" DAMNN if Im getting muddy you already know there coming down with me" there we were three homies sitting in a puddle of mud just laughing as people drove and walked by thinking that we had to be on drugs. I couldn't have asked for a better situation it was just CLASSIC !!! 

the back of a skaters trunk what can i say ... mission accomplished is what ill say !
 Well now that we were in my car, wheels filled with fresh air, muddier then anyone could imagine, we were too hyped up to head back home.So we hit that 405 freeway .....North HOLLYWOOD VOIAGE is coming ! We knew it was raining and we knew it was dark but what's a life without getting out and doing something exciting. As we got to wild grinders 7-11 we snagged some slurpies and walked across to a safe spot skate spot and just listened to the rain and our boards snap against the slippery floors. while there i grabbed my phone and snapped away.



just butter

who needs a golden ticket i have a golden rail

As our night came to an end and our journey was almost over, we packed up bags, grabbed our boards quit the games of ro-sham-bo and headed back to the car. Walking through the park seeing all the leaves on the floor  full of water drops I couldn't imagine being anywhere else. The laughs I had with the crew PRICELESS !  This adventure I like to call the slippery one that almost got away was definitely one of many . Ohhh wait before I leave how could I forget to tell you after all the waters and with the help of a Super Big Gulp Slurpee what better way to end the night..........

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

just some classics in the game

so im here just maxin and relaxin till my next class sketching out some designs and well lets just say this room for some reason is a little hard to see in...cough cough.....but disregard that so i came across this little freestyle and yes some true classics are seen so i hope you enjoy and just expand your mind

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Board Breakers Anonymous its a problem

this is by far my favorite commercial out there enjoy

HUF Footwear

if you have ever wondered and thought to yourself what a VOIAGE skate weekend would look like well .........

Sunday, October 10, 2010

All Caps Voiage style

just some bumps for our peeps to enjoy

These are a definite must have

So being a fan of a nice pair of kicks i absolutely must say these are in my top 5 go check em out at primitive shoes 

hope you enjoy 

Saturday, October 9, 2010

The exploration through media

Sitting here hours in listening and broading my  horizons with the one and only Mr.Mcjollyman aka Mark. After enjoying a nice shake and pretty bomb ass Corkys burrito.....and ohh by the way keep a real good look out on some future planning for VOIAGE that consists of..........well we will just say there will be some editing and recording but you'll just have to wait and see.But nothing beats the enjoyment of just being able to sit with a close friend talking about future goals and enjoying the riffs of tons of bands and watching the creativity of some great minds while they create pure artwork. So what was supposed to be just adding one playlist turned into an adventure with hours passing by of adding and sharing new music, getting super stoked to hear the original version of the song j-dilla remixed love !!! as the room filled with atmospheric music i must say it was a good night.
just a few pics of the night 
Mr. McJollyman himself 


Just some of the best ..

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Been to Long

So I must admit it has been a while since I have updated you guys about our journey, and even longer since I have even logged in!!......I must say I felt as though if this was a book , it be one dusty ass book. But enough of that. So with summer gone and over with, we have had some time to sit and talk with tons of people and think of where we are taking this company,all of our goals and dreams. I feel good to say You will be seeing some definite BANGERS with our upcoming promos. Hours spent designing, drawing, and with some healthy green motivation , were making moves. so until next time stay posted as our promos will be out in no time.